Friday, October 26, 2012


I've come to the conclusion. Dare I say it? I'm getting too old for certain types of concerts :( I'm at a Deftones concert now and I cannot stand drunk ass people. Give me a seat paid for with cushion any day. Granted its at Rams Head Live in Baltimore the 3rd worst venue I've been to. 1. Jiffy Lube Live 2. Sonar. And I came wayyyy late which was my fault. But yeah I'm getting too old and impatient. Deftones is definitely a concert on my bucket list but damn. Do things when your able cause time waits for no one. I'm outta here when they "go off stage." I think really another reason is because I'm alone which sucks but I'm here for the band. So do what you love when your able cause you never know when your patience will outweigh your desire. Ugg getting older sucks but I thank God that I'm still here:) Til the next time!


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Clock Starts Ticking...

You know how sometimes a tragic event that occurs in your life can physically and mentally put everything on pause? My car accident that totaled my car was in August and there was a court date scheduled because the lady who hit me didn't pay the ticket. I had a witness thank goodness and the court date was Thursday, October 11. I actually thought my witness wouldn't show up but he did but guess who didn't...the cop who wrote the ticket! Unbelievable. You know I don't wish any ill will towards anyone but when someone runs a red light I'd like them to be held accountable for it and paying a ticket or getting a point on their license is the least that they should be charged with. BUT with the cop in question not showing up all charges were dropped. Yes I am super pissed but I am also glad it is over. I felt like I was on hold from getting a car and this court date was consuming my every waking moment. Even though the traffic citation was between the State and the lady in question I didn't know if she'd have some big wig lawyer to differ and possibly hold me at fault. Anyway, it is what is is (my new saying) and was out of my control. As the Serenity Prayer says, "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference." This accident has consumed so much of my time and I'm ready to move on. With that I FINALLY found a car! Its a 2009 Toyota Yaris and its adorable. Red color and it fits me I think. 

More good news I have a second interview with Weight Watchers! It will be a receptionist position and I know does not pay much but I love them so much for helping me lose my weight and I completely and devotedly believe in their program and would love to inspire those who are also on their quest to find their best self. So I'm excited. Yes I'm talking like I already have the job :) but I'm really excited about working for them and the additional income since I've been having a hell of a time finding a job will be a bonus.

I also went to a Grad Fair a couple of weeks ago and it was pretty awesome. I plan on getting my Masters in Finance Management. I want to teach people the best way to spend and save their income for themselves and their families. I'm even considering Grad School out of state since I've never done it and you only live once (that I know of). I'm ultra excited about that. 2012 has been such an awesome year:)

So I do have some things I'd like to focus on the next couple months:

1. Applying to a few Graduate Schools
2. Volunteering
3. Dating

Not necessarily in that order. I will have upcoming post with more details called Fall Happenings.

Til the next time!

- Loree