Saturday, December 24, 2011

Acknowledging the Problem


[proh-kras-tuh-ney-shuhn, pruh]
noun - the act or habit of procrastinatingor putting off or delaying, especially something requiring immediate attention.

Over the years where actions come with consequences I have inhabited the habit of procrastination for fear of failure. This has affected many areas of my life but the one that has suffered the most is my love life. I've come up with so many excuses as to why I haven't dated in a long time due to my size, intelligence or just don't want to fall for a loser and be deemed an idiot because of the last choice in boyfriends I made in the past. I'm tired of putting myself down. Sooooo, I don't want to call it my New Year's Resolution but rather What Loree Wants Loree Get's Evolution! I'm a healthy, cute, sane and have been told kind woman who is about to obtain her Bachelor's Degree in Management Studies in addition to obtaining a Certificate in Web Design. I'm a catch and know that I have alot to offer. 

In my journey to help in my procrastination situation I found a great blog called which is as defined on the site: This site is dedicated to lifehacks. The phrase describes any hacks, tips and tricks that get things done quickly by automating, increasing productivity and organizing.

So action speaks louder than words, and I know I am a procrastinator. To change my procrastination which I feel is a lack of action due to a fear of failure I'm going to start doing things that I love to do! I read an article somewhere I can't exactly remember where but it suggested to do what you love and in the process you may find one to love, so that is my next step. Finding activities I love to do and stop being a depressed, down, home bound individual. So the next blog will focus on the variety of activities to try.

Until the next time.....