Hello, so its been a while since I posted anything. I've accomplished a whole lot this year so far. Turning the big 40, completing my first 1/2 marathon which I'm very proud off. I haven't dated anyone in a while but trying to change that and I got a mammogram which didn't freak me out. Getting a call back because it was abnormal kind of freaked me out a little bit. Then the doctor telling me she wants to do a biopsy, officially freaked out. that was today.
Essentially they say that only 10% of women who get a biopsy have breast cancer but they said that 10% of people get an abnormal mammogram (which is the group I fall into). So I'm a bit freaked out to say the least. I have a biopsy next Thursday and then a week later they'll tell me the results. The doctor at the clinic kept telling me that I'm young, I'm young. That's all well and good but I'm still a bit freaked out. So if anyone reads my blog please pray that it is nothing.
I know many women go through this and being human we're just prone to overthinking and doing endless internet research on the subject which can make things both easier and worse. So I'm going to try not to think about it until after the procedure is done cause that'll be the real moment of truth. Honestly it's like everything is put on hold until I know what's going on with my body.
Til the next time.
- Loree
UPDATE: 12/28/15
So I got my biopsy results back at the end of October and it was something called Traumatic fat necrosis. According to WebMD, "This happens when there is an injury to the breast, thought you may not remember an injury happening. It causes fat to form in lumps that are generally round, firm, hard, and painless. You usually get one at a time." http://www.webmd.com/breast-cancer/benign-breast-lumps I had a car accident last year and I believe that's what caused this. Can I tell you what a relief I felt when the doctor mentioned during the biopsy procedure and confirmed it a week later! This was a four week process:
Week 1 - Yearly Mammogram Exam - The doctor saw something wanted me to return.
Week 2 - 2nd Mammogram, Breast Sonogram - The doctor still saw 2 spots and wants a biopsy done.
Week 3 - Biopsy - The doctor looked and one of the nodules was gone and she feels it may be benign but wants to do the biopsy anyways since one still is still showing.
Week 4 - Results. FAT NECROSIS.
This was by far the longest week of my LIFE. It put things into perspective like where my love life and career are and although I have more time to focus on those, I really need to make a concentrated effort and get on the ball. I gotta say what helped me through those 4 weeks was telling my parents and brother, and continuing to be active which for me as you know is running. What I also learned what NOT to do is:
1. Keeping it completely to myself. Don't keep this all inside. I didn't want to worry my folks and friends so I kept it in as much as a could but they knew something was wrong. Sometimes not knowing anything is worse then knowing because you can think of the worst case scenario.
2. Continue living life as you usually do and don't stop doing your everyday activities it'll make the feelings of despair intensify.
3. Continue to be active - running helped me so much with the worry and stress.
4. Listen to the professionals and don't overwork yourself with online advice. I was researching online advice, blogs, and etc. and it literally almost drove me to just crawl under the covers and just wait the until the doctor contacted me.
It is key to continue to love yourself, take care of yourself and to be thankful for the time you have and the understand that time doesn't stop. Every second, every minute is important. Do what you want to do now. Don't wait. Trust me I will not.

Til the next time.
- Loree
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