2015 is upon us and its time for new goals and reevaluating my life. Four major goals are:
- Completing my first 1/2 Marathon
- Traveling More
- Going back to college
- Dating - Ongoing Saga of Finding the One
1/2 Marathon
So my first 1/2 Marathon. Unreal that I'm even saying it but yes I registered for two races. One in May and one in September but I've run into an issue. I injured my knee on January 27th. I had an injury when I was training for the Marine Corp 10K in 2013 in my calf and had to skip my Marine Corps 10K I was SO upset to say the least. But I took off running for a couple of months and returned stronger than ever I believe and did the race a year later. I thought it was caused by hills (running up and down hills for strength and endurance training) I did with my running group but I believe my running coach is right that it probably was an underlying problem I've had for a while because I've been feeling deep pains in that area for few months at night. So I didn't run for four days and did a 5K on Sunday, February 8th. I felt good afterwards, the day after, but the second day oh boy my knee was hurting. So I did a ridiculous amount of research online. One thing I've noticed is the internet is incredible when it comes to information and overwhelming at the same time. What I've gathered is that everyone's situation can be different and you shouldn't compare your situation to anyone else. You HAVE to listen to YOUR body. So I'm taking this as a learning experience. Learning about my body and what it can and can't do. So I decided it was time to go see the doctor.
So after two weeks I went to my family doctor and she didn't feel any warmth on my knee but saw a little swelling and thought I should get a sonogram so she referred me to a Rhematologist. After receiving a sonogram from the Rhematologist (my doctor was with me as well) he found no fluid, just a little swelling so it was most likely Runner's Knee which he felt would go away eventually. Bad for me because I wanna run now but I'm thinking with my glass half full cause it could have been worse. But his next words are what broke my heart, he said I may need to find another sport and stop running. As you know (or may not know) I weighed 70 lbs more then I do now and lost the weight with Weight Watchers and reached my goal November 2012. I only started running in 2013. The statistic is every lb of weight loss releases 4 lbs of pressure on your knees. So I had 280 lbs of pressure on my knees for about 15 years of my life which seems unreal to me. I've NEVER had knee issues before and now he's saying running is making it worse! After the Rheumatolgist left the room I burst into tears. Being overweight and finally losing it, then falling in love with running that continues to keep the weight off, its scary to hear that you may not be able to do it anymore. After I had a good cry with my regular doctor (who stayed with me after the Rudematolgist left - pun intended) she said don't cut out running just yet so she referred me to a Physical Therapist who specializes in runners to check my knee out and to let me know what I should really not do and don't rule out running out yet. I love my doctor she is the best.
I went to my physical therapist and she says it looks like my quads on my left leg got to tight which pulled on the muscle over my knee and screwed up the alignment. So I've been doing PT for three weeks and feel much better. I ran for the first time yesterday, March 17th (St. Patty's Day) and today I feel good. I think that fear of making it worse is freaking me out but baby steps you know. For sure the 1/2 Marathon in May in Delaware is cancelled. It's funny, I registered for insurance for that race but not the one in September. So with a doctor's note I can get a refund for the race in May. The goal is to complete a 10 K at the end of April and a 5 K the second week of May. Continue doing strength training and running to prepare for my 1/2 Marathon in September. Eye on the prize I say. Will keep you posted!
Traveling More
So life is short as they say and as I'm getting older I realize now is the time to do what I want because you never know what tomorrow will bring. I have 2 trips planned this year. One for my birthday in NYC and Las Vegas in April. I'm very excited and look forward to enjoying each.

Going Back to College
I believe learning is a lifelong event. You never should stop learning. So I decided to go back to school and obtain my Graduate Degree Certificate in Database Systems Technology. I'm pretty good with computers and learning programs pretty quickly so I thought this would be my next step. Will keep you posted on my career progress with this.

Til the next time!
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