Tuesday, July 16, 2013

New Outlook

So... I've been feeling a bit down lately. Don't know if it has to do with the weather or the lack of dating life. Probably a bit of both but I am planning on changing that. I finally got a full time job and should feel ecstatic and logically I'm happy but I'm so frustrated. I'm having a case of the blahhhhhs
and I can't stand it. I'm getting a bit antsy in my parents place. I just want a place of my own already but I don't have the funds to do that just yet but I am planning on it. But I'm not knocking what my parents have done for me taking me in when I got laid off and eventually went back to school to get my degree. Couldn't have done it without them.

As far as my dating situation. I know logically that dating requires more than dating one person :) Which is what I want but dating the same individual on more than one occasion I can see how one can get comfortable. Someone wants to spend time with you, they compliment you, you get to know their likes, dislikes, habits and I think I was getting comfortable with AT because of that. Since its been such a long time since I dated I started to realize that hey I miss that companionship. So I stopped with the sadness since again AT never called me back and heck I didn't call him back either so the feelings mutual. I just act like my own best friend and say it didn't work out, I'm proud of you for putting yourself out there and now continue on your search. Nothing worth fighting for is easy because if it was everyone would be in a happy enduring relationship. So I get it. I do. I didn't feel that spark with AT (but he was a fantastic kisser :)) and I guess I'm glad it didn't get to the point where I was feeling more and he didn't and vice versa. Been there...done that... and never want to do that again!

So I did say that I was going to take a break from dating but you know what, I've been taking a break for over (gulp) 10 years. BREAK TIME IS OVER. So I am continuing to peruse the online profiles, but I'm also trying to be more social, go out and do things. Go to bars, art exhibits, even fitness wise with my 5k's and whatever physical challenge I'm willing to challenge myself with. So I'm excited for not only trying new things but maybe finding my match in the process.

So I think I need to list things that I'd like to do on a monthly basis and I think the more I see it in print it will invigorate me to actually do it. So they are:

To Do Monthly List

1. Visit a museum exhibit at least once a month.
2. Try a new fitness challenge once a month.
3. Do something out of character once a month.
4. Draw more, do more of my art.
5. Compliment a guy when I'm out (nice tie, nice smile, nice shirt) and be o.k. if it doesn't go anywhere.

Now to practice what I preach. Til the next time.

- Loree

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