Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Somethings Gotta Change

Another tragedy has occurred. The shooting in Newton, Connecticut. 20 children and 6 adults. An Elementary is deemed not safe now. Unbelievable. Everyone is quick to blame the shooter of course but who provided the guns for him to do this heinous crime. His mother. It also seems that she knew he had emotional problems, why she would ever introduce weapons into their home is beyond my comprehension but then again I'm sure her son being the murderer of 26 innocent lives wasn't even a possibility in her mind and something her son was capable of doing. Where were the people who noticed the killer's behavior or actions and thought to themselves, something is not right with this kid and it needs to be addressed but said nothing, did nothing. Whose to blame? That's the question we need to ask. I often wonder what the parents of these killers think once they're children have committed these unthinkable crimes. I believe that not in they're wildest dreams did they ever think that they're child would be responsible for killing anyone. 

It's seems that one thing that needs to be looked into is when a person that you may work with, be friends with are are related to are acting strange and you have a bad feeling that they could cause harm to themselves or someone else, its better to overreact and assume that this person is capable of anything rather than underestimate what they feel. It could prevent a tragic event from occurring.

It seems that these tragedies are occurring on a more frequent basis and it is truly terrifying.  I feel like when these things happen its the powers from above way of telling us that time is promised to no one and that we all should live our lives to the fullest TODAY. Don't plan on enjoying your life in the next day, the next month, or next year, you should do what you love now.

I think individuals today focus so much on what could be rather than what is which makes one miss special moments. You can't rewind time. For the past two days I've been hearing that there is a funeral for a 5 year old and then a 6 year old victim from the Connecticut shooting and it seems incomprehensible.  I can't even process that this is even happening. But when we get relaxed and the rights of individuals become more of a priority than the safety of individuals we as a society should not be surprised when tragedies occur. Columbine showed us that, Virginia Tech showed us that, the movie theater shooting in Colorado has shown us that, now children in an ELEMENTARY SCHOOL in Connecticut. It seems that things only change when something drastic occurs and people are nicer to each other, we have serious discussions on the issues at hand and this last only for a few weeks mind you then we're back to the same old same old for most of use. To dwell on the sadness is just too hard. But it does change some of us. 

With that I look at my own life and I am getting tired of being sad because honestly I got it good now. Yeah I'm still single, yeah I don't have a full time job that I love, yeah I don't own my own home but I will. I'm healthy, I have a part time that is paying the bills. I love my body after losing 72 lbs. I know that I will find love, I know I will find the job I love and I know that I'll own my own place I just have to be patient and live and love my life now. Be happy now because I can and these innocent victims cannot.

This is what I've learned and am reminded of. I pray for all the innocent victims and know you are not far from my thoughts. 

Til the next time.

- Loree

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