Sunday, September 2, 2012

Vision Board & Goals

So I've been sending out my resume out like crazy and my brother gave me this brilliant advice to send my resume first thing Monday morning rather than throughout the week (Thanks Joe!). The thought is that with the unbelievable amount of people looking for jobs now, sending your resume during the week will only get lost. When HR receives an email during the AM on a Monday they are more likely to open said email. So I prepared a bunch Sunday Afternoon and emailed them around 9 - 11 AM Monday morning and I actually got a couple of call backs!

Funny thing though, I haven't been motivated in the interviews. I don't know if its because I've been a full time student for the past three years that I just don't wanna deal. Actually I know that its because I'm out of practice. Don't get me wrong I like money and I would like to find a job I love but "in this economy" I feel like I can't be too picky. My goal is to get out of the role of Executive Assistant, Administrative Assistant, anything Assistant but I know that since I just obtained my Bachelor's degree in Management Studies this past May I am considered Entry Level and I'll most likely be an assistant for a while. So I need to deal with that for the time being. In addition I have to find a new car since mines was totaled. Unreal what life can throw at you but I will deal.

I think what will make my head feel less in the clouds is updating that Vision Board that I've mentioned countless times. It is as follows:
  1. Date
  2. Stop being a homebody, socialize a bit more
  3. Visit museums more (at least once a month)
  4. Learn Spanish 
  5. Learn German
  6. Visit Rome, Ireland, Spain, Greece basically travel more
  7. Religion - Read the Bible
  8. Mediate Every Day and invest more in my spirituality
  9. Would love to purchase my dream car which is a Dodge Challenger
  10. Buy my own place
  11. Sing Karaoke in front of an audience
  12. Obtain my Masters in Web Design or Finance (haven't decided which yet)
  13. Find a career/job I love and can grow in
  14. Get my retirement right
Below you'll find the image of my Vision Board. I need to add #14 which I have. It's so important to prepare for your future because I am assuming that social security will not exist for me when I retire. 

Out of the list, I have been working on 1.) Dating, 2.) Finding a Job - working with Randstad a job placement agency and 3.) Travel More, going to Atlantic City in September which is exciting!

Again, I can't stress how important it is to have your goals out there in front of you. I'm a visual person and it really does seeing this goals first thing when I wake up. So onward and upward!

Have a great Labor Day and til the next time!

- Loree

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