Funny thing though, I haven't been motivated in the interviews. I don't know if its because I've been a full time student for the past three years that I just don't wanna deal. Actually I know that its because I'm out of practice. Don't get me wrong I like money and I would like to find a job I love but "in this economy" I feel like I can't be too picky. My goal is to get out of the role of Executive Assistant, Administrative Assistant, anything Assistant but I know that since I just obtained my Bachelor's degree in Management Studies this past May I am considered Entry Level and I'll most likely be an assistant for a while. So I need to deal with that for the time being. In addition I have to find a new car since mines was totaled. Unreal what life can throw at you but I will deal.
I think what will make my head feel less in the clouds is updating that Vision Board that I've mentioned countless times. It is as follows:
- Date
- Stop being a homebody, socialize a bit more
- Visit museums more (at least once a month)
- Learn Spanish
- Learn German
- Visit Rome, Ireland, Spain, Greece basically travel more
- Religion - Read the Bible
- Mediate Every Day and invest more in my spirituality
- Would love to purchase my dream car which is a Dodge Challenger
- Buy my own place
- Sing Karaoke in front of an audience
- Obtain my Masters in Web Design or Finance (haven't decided which yet)
- Find a career/job I love and can grow in
- Get my retirement right
Below you'll find the image of my Vision Board. I need to add #14 which I have. It's so important to prepare for your future because I am assuming that social security will not exist for me when I retire.
Out of the list, I have been working on 1.) Dating, 2.) Finding a Job - working with Randstad a job placement agency and 3.) Travel More, going to Atlantic City in September which is exciting!
Again, I can't stress how important it is to have your goals out there in front of you. I'm a visual person and it really does seeing this goals first thing when I wake up. So onward and upward!
Have a great Labor Day and til the next time!
- Loree
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