So again I've been promising myself to do at least one social event a month and for the month of September I've done two! Pros in the City Speed Dating Event and Match.com Happy Hour Stir Event. I'll start with Pros in the City.
Pros in the City
Well the turn out for men was WAY better this time. I'd say I sped date with 13 guys. I actually was interested in two of them. One was an older gentlemen and the other was a guy from Ireland. It was really interesting and I actually felt no pressure because I didn't really have expectations (which isn't a bad thing). I used to psych myself out thinking that this is it he'll be at this particular event and when I would receive no responses I'd be more depressed and avoid social events for a few weeks afterwards. Although I guess deep down I was hoping that I'd be attracted to at least one guy. Anyway, at the speed dating event the females would sit for the duration at their seat and the guys would get up and spend 4 minutes with each female. It can be a lot of fun or the minutes can feel like an eternity. The guy from Ireland, I'll call him "R" was really funny and had great taste in music (which I love). He was very surprised that I was into British/Irish bands as well. I have a very eclectic taste in music which I think was part of what attracted me to him. The thing with these speed dating events is that once the speed dating is over it can get kinda awkward. Once everyones dating is done you kinda wanna get the hell out of there unless of course you make a connection. So basically everyone left. So it's like you take the test, go home, sleep for the night and then rush to your computer the next day to see the results. Two guys (including R!) said they were interested in me. The Lawyer (not the older gentlemen I was interested in) who seemed to be absolutely bored and a little stressed out at the dating event was a total turn off and I really wasn't interested in him. I've exchanged two emails with R and that was a few days ago so the ball is in his court. I said we should hang out but rather than pine away and wait I'm going to continue my search, which brings me to the next event:
Match.com Happy Hour Stir Event
Let me preface by saying OY! I believe we females today have a high standard when it comes to the men we want to date and maybe those standards are way to high. I'm sure everyone has noticed those Match.com Stir Up Event commercials that are being created as of late. The commercials show very attractive men and very attractive women interacting at these events which was basically what I expected. I know that sounds way superficial but I'm just being honest. The event was actually a happy hour at a spot in D.C. and let me tell you it was unorganized to say the least. Anyone could've walked into the establishment and as usual women outnumbered men I'd say two to one especially at these dating event. Deep down I expected as much. There were a few individuals making connections but what I witnessed most were a lot of men just standing around drinking their beverages of choice and groups of women talking to each other. Yes I was one of those women and I remember I read somewhere that a group of women talking among each other is very intimidating for men to approach them. I mean I would totally feel the same if I were the only woman and the guy I wanted to talk to was with a group of his male friends. But alas I didn't see anyone I wanted to talk to or was attracted to so no love connections.
Dating is hard as shit, your basically putting your heart on the line every time but in the end when it works and you find him it's totally worth it. I do still have one credit for another speed dating event so I do plan on doing that when it occurs. When I do these events and no numbers, emails or Facebook pages are exchanged I don't see it as a failure, I use these situations as learning lessons on what I may need to change or do the next time around. Its always good to put yourself out there, you never know when you'll meet the one, it could be on the way to the metro, getting a drink at the bar, meeting your friends at a restaurant, it basically can happen anywhere.
But I think I'm also going to start doing some volunteering and find some activities that include music, drawing and visiting museums which I adore doing. I had lunch with my old boss/mentor and I told her that with the success of obtaining my Bachelor's Degree and weight loss, I am viewing my love life in the same manner. I may have bad weeks where I go to a few events with no love connections or go online and find no connections but the KEY TO SUCCESS TO FINDING LOVE IS NOT GIVING UP. No one is going to bring Prince Charming to my door (unfortunately) so I need to do the work and just keep at it and I will find him. Like a persons' intuition you know what you should do in that current situation and I feel like this is the right path for me to find him.
So I will continue to put my heart and patience out there and hopefully soon I will start actually dating :) Til the next time.
- Loree