Hello, its been a while! Well I feel like I had to write something out because in a few days I am doing the Marine Corp 10K! Last year I couldn't do it because I pulled a serious hamstring in my right leg and was limping like crazy but now I'm so excited and so ready. I'm sure I've said this before but to say that I would love running later on in life I would've thought you were nuts. In high school I was in the art crowd. Exercise equaled torture. But now its not only a great stress reliever, I like to see it as thanking God for giving me the tools to be able to do this. I love setting a goal and actually seeing the end result of all the training and hard work.

So I wish everyone luck for Sunday's race you 10Kers and you Marathon runners. Its going to be awesome. Honestly the goal is to reflect this energy and great thoughts to my love life and my work life. I want each day to be a sunny day within (corny as it may sound) because honestly tomorrow isn't promised to all of us. I am reminded of this every day.
Til the next time! New goals and bucket list items soon to come..
- Loree