I think the only thing I have been really focused on lately is my training for my first 10k. I took a two month running class that has been awesome. I've learned a lot. I'm running up to 5 miles and I'm feeling really good about it. I actually ran in the rain TWICE. WHO AM I? :) Now before my 10K has started I have my eye on the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler. My 10 k (6.2 miles) is in two weeks and I must say "BRING IT ON!" I'm so ready.
Secondly, I have been drawing in this book called "642 Things to Draw." I'm up to a String Quartet and I must say it has been very therapeutic so has the running. Man I love discovering new things that I love, its the best. Amazing what the world has to offer if you just open our eyes to it.
**********PLOT TWIST!
November 6, 2013
So guess what happened a week before my 10K....I pulled a hamstring muscle and couldn't run it! I got really teary eyed the day of the Marine 10K and could not watch any coverage on it I was sooooo sad. But as my running coaches have told me injury is part of the running game. So I've been told by my doctor to rest my leg for 3 weeks not overextending my leg or cardio involving rapid movement of my leg.
Let me tell you, I work out everyday and not using my leg to do what I usually do has made me very creative when trying to stay active. My pants were feeling a bit tighter and my stomach was not as taunt as it used to be and I ended up gaining 8 lbs which sucked! But I am a girl with a goal and I will not let this one setback bring me back to my prior behavior. So I've been lifting hand weights, doing various abdominal exercises which is basically all I can do for now and I've lost about 5 lbs! After the 3 weeks are over I'll get to do my running again which I cannot wait to do! But I understand that I have to take it slow and stretching is key. Man I really miss it. I'm so jealous when I see runners on my way to work, so now I've fallen in love with running. Who would've thought? Not me! So Marine Corps 10K you will be on my vision board next year NO DOUBT.

- Being More Spiritual
- Marine Corps Marathon October 2014
- Celebrating my birthday in NYC 2014
- Reading books I own
- Reading the the whole Bible
- Learning to ride a Bike
- Visiting the beach once a year
- Skip TV once a week
- Improve writing skills
- Continue painting and drawing
For the month of November I plan on focusing on #'s 4, 5 and 8 (which I think would help #'s 4 & 5). I also want to finally plan my birthday in NYC that I've been wanting to do for years.
As far as my romantic life I'm taking a bit of a break with the online dating. I've suspended all my dating accounts yesterday and going to give it a rest for a week and see how that goes. I feel like these guys online engage you, your talking then boom, they disappear. I'm not totally blaming them, I know I have a bit to do with it as well. I mean I stopped talking to a guy because he like the television show "Revolution," on NBC. Seriously! Petty thy name is well anyway.....A great quote came up on Pinterest "Don't Look for Things You Aren't Ready to Find." That made me think damn am I really ready for dating? I mean life is going on around me, people are moving in together, getting married, having babies and I'm still trying to find myself? Uggg I think I need to continue to work on myself and what I love and I'll find him. I feel like this online dating makes it too easy for people to sugar coat things aren't really honestly representing themselves.
But that doesn't mean that if I meet him along the way I won't pursue it. Also, I have a bad habit of checking dating sites several times a day like how Farmville was a crazy addiction to folks when it was first introduced on Facebook. But I do believe I need to apply the same vigor I have with my weight loss, running, and drawing to my love life. I need to find it fun and enjoyable as it should be. But I'm so frustrated, I feel like its a task that I don't want to do because I expect the worst.
I overthink that's what I do!
Anywho til the next time.

I overthink that's what I do!
Anywho til the next time.